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The value of the loyal magazine shopper in the newsagency

We have this customer come in every three or four weeks and spend usually around $250.00 on special interest magazines. Here’s the transaction from yesterday morning.

Range is key to the sale is range of special interest titles. Shoppers like this one like to go deep.

Magazine segments like music, military, cars, crafts, home decor and similar offer opportunities to serve this type of niche shopper.

Yes, I can hear some of you saying but the 25%, it’s not enough. I agree, it is appalling in 2022 to make 25% from these price controlled / price suppressed products. But, if we’re offering magazines we need to do it on space and labour terms that work for us, and balance this with better margin products, and sales, from elsewhere in the business, which we do.

Anyway, I am not here for that fight today. Rather, I note that there are good magazine buyers out there, spending up, being loyal to newsagencies with range and, often, buying other items to make the visit more valuable to us. This is especially true with the niche segment magazine shopper compared to the weeklies shopper – the weeklies magazine shopper is less loyal.


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  1. colin

    Hi Mark,
    I have a customer who asked me over 30 years ago to get him in AUTOCAR this is a weekly British publication and I put it away for him every week he may only come in every four to six weeks and has never ley me down his previous Newsagent insisted that he must collect it every week that is why he changed to my store. I have two customers who have been getting the Phantom comic for over 20 years.
    To me this is good customer service in return you get customer loyalty these people also buy other items from me.
    Sometimes we forget what good customer service gives in return.If a customer request a special publication I always follow up and ordered in for them.


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