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What does newsXpress offer newsagents?

To answer a query from a newsagent about newsXpress and what it offers newsagents, I decided to shoot a short video Saturday. In it I share actually results, talk about the focus on high street and regional / rural businesses and explain why the membership period is 5 years.

What I share in this video speaks to optimism about local newsagency businesses, and the channel more broadly.

newsagency marketing

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  1. Graeme Day

    Excellent video Target areeas spot on especially with “over carded”space and the solution from presentation to allocation.


  2. Colin

    It’s good to see evidence as that counts more that what any salesman says. My newsagency is not Newsxpress. But I have been here for over 20 years and I know things need to change if we are to go on. Thanks for making the video. It’s the rocket I needed to look at my business again.


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