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Is the Amazon Hub parcel pickup service a good fit for your newsagency?

Only you can answer this question for your business.

The core question, though, is: are you a retailer or an agent? An agent will want the transactional clip and therefore find the Amazon opportunity interesting. A retailer will wonder about the real commercial value of Amazon parcel collectors.

I have no interest in offering any form of parcel collection in any retail businesses. As a retailer, I see little value in any agency activity.

Parcel collectors rarely purchase anything else – no matter how thoughtfully you configure your shop to interrupt their path.

Parcel collectors bring to their parcel collection any feelings they have for the retailer source of the parcel, and this can be problematic.

Parcel collectors trend to be engaged … meaning they could rate you down for something outside your control.

Parcel collectors want speed. Often, they think they should be served ahead of others.

Sure there are some in our channel talking up parcel collection. Maybe find out the commercial relationships they have or their employer has with such services to understand their excitement. Buyer beware.

Newsagents I have spoken with recently who have offered parcel collection services have recommended against it.

If you think parcel collection could be for you, do your homework and ensure that providing such a service fits with your business plan and how you see your business into the future.

Newsagency management

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  1. Peter

    Amazon hub is another VANA how can we suck money from newsagents thing decided by a bunch of people disconnected from retail today.


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