Here’s what one subscriber shares on Twitter yesterday:
@Gay_Alcorn I accept that you've had production issues recently. These things happen. I'm not annoyed.
What I don't understand is why the onus is on us, the customers, to keep searching all morning for our paper, wondering if it's merely late, & finally we have to contact you
>— Karen (@kcIMT122) November 5, 2021
Today's a good example. It's now 10:15am. The back half of The Age was delivered a few seconds ago. No sign of the front half.
What am I meant to do now? Wait to see if the front half shows up? Give up, & go out & buy a paper?
The lack of info is not good enough.— Karen (@kcIMT122) November 5, 2021
It’s another newspaper home delivery fail that’s on the publisher.
So only one half of The Age delivered today. Why can’t you be proactive and advise your customers when there’s a “production issue” so we don’t waste our time hunting through our gardens (and next door’s) for a paper that never arrived? This is getting beyond ridiculous and your contempt for loyal, long-term subscribers is beyond the pale.
Sarah, I assume your comment is directed at the newspaper publisher. They are not here, unfortunately.
Mark – could you please delete my comment. This was taken from a missed delivery form I submitted to The Age, which I understood to be private, and I have no idea how it ended up here. The comment and my name was never intended for a public forum, so could you please remove it asap. Thank you.
Sarah, you submitted the comment yourself. I have de-personalised it for you.
No Spectrum in 3 weels. Half a paper is not good enough.
I am a long term subscriber to The Age. I am furious at the ad hoc way the paper is now being delivered. It is late most days. I rely on the Age being delivered before 7.30 am.
This is not what I signed up for.
Previously the Age was delivered before 7.30am. I do not care if it is flat or tubular. Please rectify this dreadful system
Angela, I am also a long-time subscriber of the Age. You are fortunate to receive any deliveries at all. During the past 11 days my paper has been delivered on only four.
Since delivery was taken out of the hands of newsagents I’ve found the Age up a tree, in the rose-bushes, in the middle of the road and in the gutter. On one occasion I received the ‘Herald-Sun’, and on another , ‘Il Globo’ . Now I’m lucky to find any paper at all. Phoning 13 666 666 as resulted in no improvement. Perhaps a boy on a bicycle, or Amazon would be more reliable. At least they would have been able to deliver on more than 2 Sundays this year.
As long term subscribers to The Age, we (subscription in my husband’s name – Alex Wild) are disgusted and frustrated at the sporadic delivery of The Age. When we first subscribed ca 50 years ago, we collected our paper from THE PAPER CONTAINER (delivered by a boy on a bike) and read it on public transport while going to work. Then the Paper Boys were sacked and the local newsagent delivered the paper “chucked” from a passing car. Lucky if it landed on our property rather than the public footpath, the nature strip or in the gutter on a rainy day. On several occasions, no delivery! A recent change to contractor deliveries. We were advised delivery would be by 6.30am. It was – for the first week or so. Now delivery times are erratic, but usually late or very late. Often no delivery or the wrong paper – e.g. the Herald Sun and The Australian. Our newspaper could land anywhere – on or off our property. We recently renewed our subscription and are wishing we hadn’t bothered.
The current home delivery “service” is a total waste of time. In the last five weeks I have only had the Saturday Age delivered once, and that had been thrown haphazardly on the footpath closer to the driveway next-door than ours. Interestingly they have not been able to follow that effort up as again, my paper has again not been delivered! A totally inefficient delivery supplier.
HI , My Member No. is XXXXX. Over the past 5 weeks I have had delivery issues. Different excuses each week. Today another no delivery. The Ageg Personel are all talk or no talk, also promosed no delivery charges to be refunded have not happened. Get your act in place, might be good for me to contact a current affeir, I know I am one of many in Melbourne alone. Please respond with some action Thanks I>W>H>
The Age delivery service failed again today – 25 April 2022.
I’ll switch to The Australian soon to see if that service is better.
Good luck with that David. The service if it is through a contractor will be just as appalling and will be more than likely the same contractor that delivers the Age.
How long will this lack of a daily paper delivery last? We have had to buy our paper for weeks.It would help to know that we can depend on a daily delivery,
No Age – or Fin Review -were delivered yet again. This is infuriating and seems to have become an unsolvable problem over a period of months .We too are long term subscribers but are totally fed up with the lack of response/improvement.
Can empathise with above comments. Used too be 7:30 delivery, now lucky to get at 8:30 … but … Three weeks missed Aust Financial Review delivery in a row. Week ago asked case to be escalated – result – no delivery! Yay. Wondering is the problem the local printing or the distribution in Melbourne? Any ideas out there. I’m inner city. Perhaps the issue is the newspapers can’t be bothered with the print edition. Have requested many times electronic copy should be made avail for print copy so at least there’s something. Sadly, same deaf ears.
Age delivery has become an appalling service. Ok, there were production/supply chain problems, but that was in November and it is now May. Surely six months is enough time to get a fix in place. We are inner Melbourne and most weeks miss at least 2 days per week: over the last 6 days we have missed 3 days (Thursday, Saturday & today Tuesday), so essentially every second day has been missed, & usually seem to be editions with Green Guide, Weekend Magazine, Domain, Epicure etc. By the time you get to the local newsagent they have sold out.
If you are offering a service then please provide it!
A phone message says to check the web site to see what areas are affected by delivery problems. But how on earth do you find that on the site? I can’t see any immediate link or way to check this.
I am disappointed with the delivery service now that things have changed, definately not for the better. With the previous system I could at least ring up and ask what the problem was and ask when I might get the paper. On occasions they delivered to the door. Who do I contact now to ask the question of????? Would think that a phone number is the least you could provide us with.
The electronic age is fuzzy and unreadable this morning .
Do I get compensation
Donald Corrigan
I have received one delivery of The Age in the last 16 weeks (I only get weekend papers) and I am on a ‘priority care’ list?
Hi, has anyone got a solution to the delivery debacle? We sometimes get the Age, meant to get it everyday, and sometimes we get the Herald Sun. We try to find out who is responsible but no luck. Perhaps we could all form a league with others here to lobby the paper.
I can only add to the comments above we have had the Age delivered for some years just the Saturday and Sunday paper and only in the last year have the delivery’s become very random, papers left in the gutter, nature strip, no consistency at all and delivered at all times I’ve mentioned this to the agent who really couldn’t care less. The problem is I never know if the paper has been delivered or will be delivered the last straw was on Sunday it still wasn’t delivered at Midday !!!! Checked the Age site no issues with papers in my area. Just slack so called service. I then went out and purchased the paper and on returning home found the paper had been delivered Contacted the Age Re payment $4.40 at my cost (It’s the principal) but they aren’t wearing it. Is this the new normal or am I asking Too much I don’t think so. We are paying for a couple of papers to be delivered pretty sure if this persists I will be canceling my delivery and hope someone in future can resume this basic service. I live in hope
I tried to get the phone number that we have to call when our paper hasn’t been delivered. The Newsagent said they don’t have the number any more. We have a very wide nature strip so when the paper does get delivered, it can end up anywhere – in the gutter and hiding under a tree.
I don’t know where to go now.
Very disappointed, why is it when a system that has been operating for 40+ years changes to what is supposed to be customer friendly system, turns out to be anything but a friendly system.