Newspaper customers in Brisbane who are frustrated with newspapers being delivered later may want to talk to News Corp.
the company has relocated printing from the more central Brisbane print site to a site in Yandina. This is adding, I am told between an hour and an hour twenty to newspaper delivery times, which is being felt in delivery times achieved ex newsagency home delivery businesses.
Newsagents are not to blame for late newspapers flowing from this decision by News Corp. and the execution that has followed.
Representations to News Corp. are falling on deaf ears. It’s like the company no longer treats the print platform of its ‘news’ as important.
Newsagents are frustrated, customers are frustrated, delivery contractors at various points in the chain are frustrated. Once newsagent offered to go to the depot to pick up product themselves. This request was denied.
For a service for which newsagents are paid less than a fair living wage, News Corp. certainly offers little respect in terms of these recent operational decisions.
NewsCorp has given notice to the public and newsagents in particular that the over the fence Distribution of Print Media is almost over.
They are doing their own in Sydney because they get First Dollar payment in advance (cash flow that we carried for years) and they can call the shots of closure on their own terms, such as conversion to tablet for thos readers that are clinging to the past
It is only a matter of time of when and where the only print media newspapers will be sold (at exorborant prices) will be in major cities and Regional Towns and only the if the advertising revenue is sustainable. Opportunities are ther and newsagencies are still selling very well even though the publicity is bad. Depends as you say often,on the conversion and the new business model.
New newspapers have started under the present model as you are aware Graeme and they have succeeded very well. It is about supplying a customer what they want which is not practiced by News with Content or delivery. Look at the massive dissatisfaction in Melbourne against content of the Herald Sun.
Yes Peter this is so, however my comments are about NewsCorp and their product and its demise of which your reasons are the same in every state -just poor journalism-
Another story is that a Local paper in a Country NSW Town closed -COVID- time last year. Re-opened with local input- on a voluntary basis. very well suported -new owner takes over and stops selling the new paper because it’s only 10% G.P. margin. When you lose that community it is very hard to regain it.
The Town now does not support this newsagent and most of the staff have gone elswhere.
again this is not the norm so I didn’t quote it in the post above.
The what’s happenning is what I mentioned I see many comparison Reports and newsapers are down. Most of the sales that are down are the Sydney based DT Aust. SMH dailies. Howvere many Country newspapers are slowing as well and I don’t see any upswing there with the aquisition of Rural Press ACM. with the Cat using his digital conversion skills to eliminate unprofitable print runs.
Yes we would want the Herald Sun from Melbourne printed in Brisbane and be sold on day of publications in Yandina.
Graeme the margin is 25% and another newsagent would have had that to if he had cooperated and worked with the publisher rather than trying to crystalize the publisher’s vision to his own political beliefs and needs. That same newsagent has also tried to do this to me with no success. I am not a coffee shop.
Rather, though the point I was trying to make is that there is still a demand and market out for the printed word (newspaper) from which a publisher can make a living. This market has been ignored and mistreated by the large publishers in his country ably assisted in this by a $90 Million gift of our tax money from Scotty at the start of the pandemic supposedly to support publishing.
No Peter, The margin was is 10% for the Local Paper.
I would still stock it even if it were Free for it’s acommunity bebefit and the newsagent is or can be te hub of that community.
Perter, there is No growth in print media. This is well established and I find it sad for I still get mine home delivered. It helps the local newsagent as well. As for being political, Frydenberg did a fantastic job with the budget considering no one knew what the extent of the COVID Virus was to be. They covered all areas and with that they was bound to be some errors however they did Australia proud. Scotty is a marketer not a Treasurer and he sold it well.
Frydenberg’s uselessness as a treasurer is only eclipsed by Morrison’s failures as Prime Minister. Both have failed Australia and Australians.
JobKeeper has proven to be a big business focussed rort. The vaccine rollout is a shambles.
But the worst of it is their appalling treatment of people needing NDIS support, asylum seekers, women and the indigenous.
They spend millions on a mum, dad and two kids on Christmas Island and billions on failed defence spending while making it hard for small business owners and everyday Australians to scratch out the most basic of livings.
Graeme in my case it is what I said it is. I may be lucky then. As to growth and been a community hub I will not disagree with you on either. As to Frydenberg wait till the next set of unemployment figures are produced next month and the full extent of ceasing stimulus are apparent. Stimulus spending was as Amanda said full of rorts and I would describe it as an extreme case of Pork Barrelling like the sports, fire and flood support/grants. The only airport in NSW to get the half fare support just happens to be Eden Monaro federal electorate which Scotty is desperate to win. It was till the last election great bell weather seat in this country.
Great Political comments from both of you. Get to the facts try being a/political and not so lefty it’s really okay to be abjective and give some credit even when your team is losing.
I really don’t give a rats for politicians or politics only business and it’s reality.
This is not because of financial interest anymore just a concern that more and more business.
people as all others are looking for someone to blame for their own misgivings. Labor if it can overcome the same as what you do and stop blaming someone else and come up with solutions and productive enterprises I would support that as I did with Bob Hawke I thought Fraser was hopeless as was most of them so I just focus on what’s best and look at achieving the goals.
As for the vaccine Amanda i have had the local Doctor ring me and book an appointment to have the shot.
What’s your problem? have you not enquired as to whether you can get one or are you just reading the newspaper of your bias to tell us what you think.