After a full day’s Senate hearings where the Murdoch media denied they were a monopoly, what do his tabloids deliver today in 8 different cities? The same cookie-cutter article published in 8 different papers! They really take us for fools. #MurdochRoyalCommission
— Kevin Rudd (@MrKRudd) February 20, 2021
i have no idea wht this post is about.
monopolies are about control. Where there is freedom of choice to buy a product or refuse to buy one there is no monopoly.
The emotional plea by Rudd with such a pathetic response ended with a no contest for a Royal Commission as I predicted in the first instance.
Murdoch prese maybe foul it maybe the worst press in the World it may in many peoples mind control Governments however it is a free expression and those that wish to control this that is the ability of us to think for ourselves are the real perpertraitors of freedom.
i very basicly don’t buy a product that I disagree with or one that I dislike. it’s called democracy. Freedom of choice. how can one decide BAD when there is no comparison of Good?
as for K Rudd it looks like his own image of himself (narcissm) is not universal. Lot’s of promise as P.M. a disaster in pratice. for the same arty give me Julia Gillard anyday.
Get over yourself Kevin. Your party removed you, not Murdoch. Then the people removed you after your comeback. The workers champion sending vitriol out from your keyboard as you sip a Chardonnay on the balcony of your $18mln beachfront house that your wife paid for providing labor hire to government. What a champion bloke.
Pingback: This image from Kevin Rudd shows how news is not local at News Corp outlets … -
News is a selfish propaganda machine.
I shared the tweet because the Murdoch newspaper covers contradict the evidence given by News Corp execs to the Senate last week. Yes, that’s it. Pretty soimple really. Not about monopoly – purely showing the company contradicting itself, again.
Mark and Kevin don’t seem to understand the definition of monopoly.Don’t worry I’ve learnt not to waste my time explaining simple concepts to arrogant fools so I wont respond beyond this.
News Corp helped KRUDD win the election the first time round. They backed him 100 % . The true Rudd came out and everyone knows he is an absolute lunatic. Now, he has issues with the media. He has short term memory loss
What up morons. Murdoch has you under a spell. He doesn’t care about news or Australia. he cares about making money and while there is nothing wrong with that, the way he chooses to do it is harmful as we have seen time and again.
He is interfering in our democracy without a shadow of doubt.
That just about sums it up. It is what it is and he is what he is!
Just aboust sums it up. It is what it si and He is what he is!