At 8:30am yesterday the embargo on the new AC/DC boxed coin set was lifted and by this morning, in 24 hours, we had sold $2,750 worth of the set from one store. This, like other collectible coin sets is another net new traffic driver for the newsagency. 37% GP is good, especially where you can for sure turn all your stock a month before you have to settle the account.
Yes, this is a newsXpress sourced opportunity with access to a quarantined allocation, negotiated months ago, special pricing and terrific background information. The keys to success have been social media videos and photos, like:
And this one:
And photos like these:
Net new traffic is vital for our businesses. This is achieved through understanding. I know of newsagents who will say I don’t have coin collectors in my area. Thanks to a relationship with the Mint, I can for certainty say this is not true. mapping coin buyers by location is revealing. Also, people other than coin collectors buy sets like this.
A common response from newsXpress members getting into coins is that they are surprised at who purchases them.Besides lovers of coin magazines, newspaper customers are common purchasers of coin sets.
This AC/DC coin set is a success as it’s only been out a day. It will sell out.
And … here’s the pitch – this is a newsXpress success story. Driving net new traffic and delivering bankable profit for a safe outlay. Great news in 2020!