Selling hugs is easy for newsagency and gift retailers in 2020 thanks to a terrific and expanded range of huggable product from several suppliers.
From small pocket-size items through to the large bright slow release squishy items like in the photo, selling hugs has been made easy this year.
In a year on year sales comparison of all huggable related products, we are up 30% on last year. Again, this is especially driven by the newer squishy items.
What is particularly interesting is the demographic appeal as there is the user shopper – younger kids 6 to 12, parents, aunts and uncles as well as grandparents. This broad shopper appeal makes the products space, capital and labour efficient in-store.
I find thinking about products in the context of how they are used helps with buying, merchandising and out of store marketing. This is why we use the category of huggable. It keeps us focussed on the outcome.
In a year when hugs matter more, it makes sense that this category is doing so well.