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North Central Review newspaper to pause print for a week

This notice from the publisher of the North Central Review yesterday speaks to the challenges faced by independent local newspapers as a result of Covid. Their explanation of the situation is well made:

No print edition next week

The North Central Review, The Free Press and the Whittlesea Review will not print newspapers next week, on August 25, 2020.

The Review is taking the opportunity during the second COVID-19 lockdown to close for one week.

Normal print editions will resume Tuesday, September 1.

General manager/editor Lauren Duffy apologised for any inconvenience caused to advertisers and readers.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all small businesses, and we are no exception,” she said.

“We have weathered the storm so far this year and printed as normal in 2020.

“Advertising from local business has significantly dropped and we feel we need to take this step.

“We thank you those local businesses who do advertise with us for their support thus far in 2020, and hope this continues in the future.”

Newspapers and media organisations across Australia have been significantly affected by a downturn of advertising revenue, with many newspapers forced to close their doors.

“While we provide an essential service to many people because in many communities we are the only local news service, we are also a business – we employ more than 15 local people, plus many, many more to deliver our newspapers, and we have costs like all businesses have,” Ms Duffy said.

“We are trying our very best to ensure the longevity of this newspaper.”

The Review’s journalists will continue to publish news online here at www.ncreview.com.au to keep the community updated with essential news.

Media disruption

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