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Fascinating BBC Murdoch documentary

I am grateful to have been able to see all 3 episodes of the BBC documentary about the Murdoch media empire. I am sure Australians will be as fascinated when it eventually airs here. Newsagents, especially will find aspects of representation of the business familiar.

I found the first episode on YouTube:


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  1. Graeme Day

    I believe it will be an interesting show. One of no surprises but of putting a facinating tale of power into a series so that it links all the bits of a real Dynasty not a slanted fiction from the “David” side of the misgruntled press sling shotting at the press “Goliath”
    Frankly, I am over all this shit of envy Packer, Murdoch and all of the yesterday power thugs.
    It’s time for getting on with life and making one’s one small contribution and leave yesterday’s obsessions to those embittered peolpe and the torch carrying do gooders.
    The Murdoch’s etc are over and yet there will be another one for example Gates (Microsoft-Apple-Google- -Facebook- which is the misuse of the power of the people to the people- ) npt to say anything of these huge companies making NO profit yet worth billions. Telsa for example all a souffle The projected Emperor that will have “clothes’ says the tailor -yet the Tailor is already a mutli Billionaire with no proff that this future has the legs he’s beeen paid for.
    Is he another Dynasty in the making-
    Meanwhile Rome is Burning.


  2. Peter

    Nothing really new there. A bit of old footage, from back when newspapers really mattered. I’d be more worried about the FAANG group of tech businesses. They have more power, money and influence than Rupert Murdoch ever had.

    I do admire Rupert Murdoch though. From the Adelaide Advertiser to world media mogul, quite astonishing. Clearly made a lot of very wise decisions, aside from Wendi Deng.


  3. Graeme Day

    Once again Peter I agree, one also needs to understand the great or so call great publishers. Randolf Hearst, Maxwell, Conrad Black, Frank &Kerry Packer all had aggressive styles open bullying and forthright. Today we have a bigger danger the softly style underlying in polite sneaky technology infiltrating personal privacy quite different to read it and rubbish it where the choice was ours. Today it’s personal inavasion and manipulation of your computer space.
    Rupert is the last of an era I respect what he has achieved from buying the Daily Mirror formerly the Truth from Fairfax (yes, Fairfax once owner the D.M. and the Evening Sun sold the D.M. to young Murdoch because he was young and upstartfrom Adelaide that didn’t know newsapers.
    Frank Packer was losing money on the morning Daily Telegraph and Rupert bought it through Kerry from Frank for $14m because his own printing presses were being used only once a day.
    smart fella that Murdoch.
    Where is ACP and where is Fairfax today? .


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