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Sales rep visit frustration for newsagents

Newsagents have connected me in recent weeks about reps visiting without an appointment. In several cases, the reps are from businesses not currently supplying the newsagency businesses they have visited.

In my view, a rep turning up without an appointment should be asked to leave.

Retail has changed as has selling to retail. Reps on the road walking into businesses in the hope of establishing a face to face connection that leads to sales are something of the past. Their turning up unannounced naturally gets retailers offside and damages any potential relationship.

I am not going to name suppoliers here as some are precious and known to threaten action.

The purpose of this post is to re mind suppliers reading this that unannounced visits are not appreciated. Indeed, in the current situation, they present a health and safety risk. I have posted this on behalf of newsagents who have asked.


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  1. Mark Fletcher

    Bless you Jason for thinking that. No. I do know suppliers and reps stop by here, making mentioning it here worth it.

    Of course, the newsagents who have spoken to me about it have complained to the reps and their bosses.

    Maybe stop coming here is what I write frustrates you so.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Your words show it does Jason, or you come here to troll.


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