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Early learnings from stage 4 in Victoria

The early days of stage 4 restrictions in Victoria have offered up some learnings others may find useful.

  • Shoppers are less tolerant. People have a shorter fuse, leading to more outbursts of anger in-store.
  • People are stocking-up. Cards, crosswords, games, jigsaws … these and some other categories are benefiting. Take cards, for example, several times over the last 2 days we have seen people buy 10+ cards in a purchase, so they have what they need for the next two months.
  • Jigsaws continue to be a hero category.
  • People want easy. They like gift packs, ready to buy.
  • Impulse at the counter works. Easy to understand products at the counter are working.
  • Father’s Day is early. Yes, I have noted this previously. sales are good.
  • People want more. Shoppers are asking for products not usually stocked, products they would get elsewhere but those stores are closed.
  • Online is hot. Yes, I’ve said this before. Interestingly, sales volume later at night is up.

I suspect that outside of Victoria, businesses that are online are seeing growth in sales for delivery into Victoria.

Newsagency management

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