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Resources for retail businesses in Stage 4 in Victoria

  1. Permitted worker scheme. Any employees travelling to or from workplaces or for work in any part of the Melbourne stage 4 lockdown will need to have a permitted worker permit with them. Click here to access the Victorian Department of Justice page that details this.
  2. The Victorian government has expanded its business support grants of $10,000 and $5,000 for stage 4 for Melbourne and stage 3 for regional areas Click here for details and to apply.
  3. Workplaces need a Covid Safe plan. Divergent government websites say this but are inconsistent on the detail. In my own situation we created a one pager that we can point to and have this located in the office, which is open. It’s backed by more comprehensive information in the business at appropriate points.
  4. Click here for the detailed document outlining what’s in and what’s out.
  5. JobKeeper. The government website is open for July data, meaning payments will flow in the next few days.
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  1. Mark Fletcher

    Anyone trying to access the permitted worker scheme information, their website has crashed. Give it time.

    Update: 10:33 – it’s back up but patchy.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    It is disappointing to see one state association supply a form that is not the government form. It makes no sense whatsoever as there is only one prescribed form.


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