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Victoria: newsagencies remain open

Click here for the detail list of restrictions. Here is the first part of the announcement:

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  1. Colin

    On what basis ?

    Not on essential definition. Don’t sell food, fuel or pharmaceutical products.

    On same day federal government bales out Victoria for covid sick leave which has not been given to other states.

    Pandemic is going political. Going to get ugly.


  2. Jim

    This has to be good news for newsagency valuations nationally. Back to he future!


  3. Mark Fletcher

    Jim I think you are right. There is certainly an increase in interest in buying newsagencies and sales of businesses appear to be strong. Federal and state government decisions are reinforcing the value of the news channel.

    I think the closure of lottery kiosks has some worried tho.


  4. Peter

    Newsagencies and bottle shops would have to consider themselves lucky in the determination of what is essential. If you are truly looking at it from a purely essential definition, I fail to see how both of these businesses are required. There is a thing called the internet these days for news and information and everyone including the elderly has a TV. With alcohol, are we that far gone that there would be riots in the streets if bottle shops were closed? I would feel aggrieved if this government lockdown destroyed my business whilst newsagents and bottle shops continued to trade.


  5. Mark Fletcher

    I would feel aggrieved if there was no lockdown and infections increased and more people died. For context, look at this report from 7:30 last night in which modelling looks at what stage 3 did for the health and wellbeing of Victorians.

    All through corona too many have focussed on the pain of actions by governments designed to prevent even bigger catastrophes.


  6. Graeme Day

    Newsagencies are deemed historically by law to be an essential service.
    I doubt whether the Government has reviewed this classification nor are they focused in this direction. It’s a case of tick the boxes these days and correct the answers when applicable.
    Individually it is not compulsorary for you to open It’s your choice, lucky we are others are paid to close Lockdown has benefited a lot and has made others poorer.
    If everyone out there pulled their weight and taken their own lives as being responsible for themselves and others we would all be better off.


  7. Peter

    Thanks Mark. I agree with the government decision on instigating a lockdown. My observation was based purely on what is an essential business. There is no way you could argue that Newsagencies or bottle shops are essential.


  8. Mark Fletcher

    Peter I agree. Frankly, last week and through to 3:15pm yesterday I was preparing for lockdown. Exceptions, as we have learned through 2020, are the weak points.

    That said, I am happy for newsagents in the Melbourne metro area. It is what it is and they can embrace that.


  9. Peter

    It’s a difficult period all round. I wouldn’t want to be making the decisions governments are faced with at the moment. There’s always winners and losers, not many winners this time though.


  10. Colin

    The increase in buyers is not as a result of strength in retailing or newsagencies. It is desperation, the added persons are desperate for a job and see buying one as their only option. Seasoned operators will not be tempted by the increase in asking prices and indeed many will decide to sell. It does not bode well for the future skill levels of newsagents.

    As for newsagents still being open 2 problems loom. Firstly it is not clear wholesalers can supply them, secondly customers can be fined for going in them to buy non essential.


  11. Mark Richardson

    It’s a good thing for our industry that Newsagencies are still considered significant and essential this is a complete 180 from the #not a Newsagency program. It will be interesting to see that although you can remain open will your turnover be enough to remain viable . Unfortunately this mess Victoria are in is a direct result of the Andrews government incompetence . Other states have had similar numbers of overseas repatriations yet they have kept the virus under control. Daniel Andrews and his team have put the health of many Victorians at risk


  12. Mark Fletcher

    Colin wholesalers can supply, as per the government issued document.

    Mark, governments don’t spread the virus. This is not a time for politics.


  13. Sandra Worrall-Hart

    This is great. Not all reading matter is available on the internet. Since Covid restrictions I have found even more solace in the newsagence choosing my patchwork, art and news magazines. I have a choice in the newsagence. Online there is too much necessity for subscriptions. And I don’t want my access to information dictated to by the internet. Thank you for the newsagence.


  14. Mark Fletcher

    Sandra, I am sure newsagents thank you for your support and for reminding us the service we offer.


  15. Carlo

    Could someone tell me the definition of PREDOMINENTLY a Newsagency


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