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Father’s Day selling earlier this year

Last week, we saw good Father’s Day card and gift sales. The season has started already this year, way ahead of what is usual for Father’s Day.

It is common that around 75% of Father’s Day card purchases are in the last 4 days of the season. based on sales already, I think we are likely to see sales over a longer period as well as an overall boost in sales.

If you have Father’s Day cards and gifts and are yet to put these out, my suggestion is you put them out now and start pitching them on social media. Placement in-store should be front of store or the window if you have a window.

On social media, I think it is useful to pitch to unique captions.

Due to corona, people are unsure as to how and when they might shop. Plenty are buying now for later because of these uncertainties.

Also, with most supermarkets yet to put the season up, you can benefit from a first mover advantage.

In my own shops we have gone out early with Father’s Day cards and gifts front of store as well as online. We have been particularly surprised, and pleased, with the early Father’s Day card sales.

On social media we have engaged with a series of pitches, including this announcement video that the season has arrived in-store.


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  1. Rui

    Thanks to Hallmark, after a no return Mother’s Day, they only send 9 design of cards to us for Father’s Day. It’s ridiculous!


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Rui, check your orders. My understanding is that you control what you get.


  3. Rui

    Mark, we can control the normal order, but not the festival order


  4. Mark Fletcher

    Hmm, yes you can. That’s my experience with every card company.


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