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Celebrating the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

It is certainly odd selling products that celebrate the Tokyo 2020 Olympics that should be being held right now but are not on and may possibly not be held at all based on the latest analysis. However, that is exactly what we are doing with this and other mint coins from the commemorative 2020 Tokyo Olympics mint coin set sourced from the Royal Australian Mint.

Collectors are collecting even though the 2020 Olympics are yet to be held. Some think this anomaly makes the coins more interesting and, for some, more valuable.

In-store, the collection is an interesting talking point and another marker of an odd 2020.

I had thought that the Mint might recall the product and start again but once I realised the cost of that and the interest in the coins regardless of the event itself not happening I understood why the products are out there, and selling.

This is another unique experience of 2020 from which we are learning … and I like that.

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