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Linfox owned Armaguard misrepresents federal cabinet retail leasing code to pressure small business retailers for a rent deal

The massive Armaguard organisation, owned by Linfox, has written to small business retailers demanding they not pay rent for ATMs they have installed in shopfronts for April through September this year. Here is the first page of a letter they sent:

In my opinion, this letter misrepresents the position of state and federal governments.

The federal cabinet’s retail tenancy code of conduct is for SMEs, small to medium enterprises. Linfox does not qualify.

Further, they offer no justification for their claim, there is no evidence of a slow down of use or traffic. The federal cabinet’s code specifically lays out what is needed to support a claim. For example, a claimant needs to qualify for JobKeeper.

I wonder what Lindsey Fox thinks about this attack from his business on small business newsagents.


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  1. Peter

    I would think a reduction in rent commensurate with the reduction in patronage would be appropriate. In that case they would need to provide some evidence. A blanket rent free period seems unfair if a service is still being provided. This is a very difficult time and both landlords and tenants need to find a middle ground and make sensible concessions.


  2. Peter

    It sounds to me that both Solomon Lew and Linfox are in league together on this issue of rents.


  3. Graeme Day

    Hi Peter,
    I believe that a middle ground will be found on a case by case basis. This will be sorted between Landlord and Tennant with “their” Banks. the Government has stated this and afer all it is going to be the only way it could work as you said a blanket free period …you’re right won’t work.
    the Bank after all is responsible for getting repaid if they fund the situation and its given criteria with the parties concerned.
    A very difficult time for the indie trader.


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