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ALNA representing small business lottery retailers on credit card ban

ALNA is active in making representations to government on the ban on using credit cards for gambling, as reported by Rob Harris in the Nine papers yesterday.

Newsagents have launched a pre-emptive strike on a potential new crackdown on the use of credit cards for gambling which could also ban the purchase of lottery tickets and scratchies on credit.

The Australian Banking Association is considering new recommendations for financial institutions to minimise their role “gambling related harm” which could lead to tough new restrictions on using lines of credit for online gambling.

Despite bans on credit for gambling and cash advances on credit cards in casinos, on racetracks and poker machines, gamblers can still use most credit cards for online gambling, betting apps and purchasing lottery tickets.

The Australian Lottery and Newsagents Association argues any measures should not extend to buying lotto tickets which it says are “extremely low harm” and “very different to other forms of gambling”.

The peak body has become increasingly powerful within the corridors of power, having led a successful campaign against controversial “fake lotto” website Lottoland which led to it being banned from accepting bets on Australian-based lotteries.

Ben Kearney from ALNA has done other interviews on this issue, representing newsagents to the public as well as to government.

Click here to access to ALNA newsflash from yesterday afternoon oon.

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  1. ken

    ban on online purchase of lottery tickets.


  2. Steve

    Good strong response by ALNA but perhaps they could also reposition the debate by suggesting that the focus should be on all online gambling advertising. Such a ban would go along way to satisfying community concerns. I am sure it would gain much traction from the likes of Wilkie and Costello. It would also be very beneficial to the channel that ALNA represents. Such a ban would be very similar to the ban on cigarette advertising and would extend to sponsorships and stadium naming rights . For those of you outside of NSW Lottoland still sponsors the Manly Sea Eagles in the NRL and this sponsorship extends to their stadium naming rights.


  3. Graeme Day

    I am not being negative it is that I don’t know the actual percentage of credit purchase via card as to the effect of if it was removed to what damage it would inflict.
    This needs to be compared to if all Gambling was banned by the use of credit . Would Bricks and Mortar then become the best outcome thus stifling online gambling overall including Tatts direct on line facilty?


  4. Mark Fletcher

    The online train has well and truly left the station.


  5. Graeme Day

    Steve, your post is probably the sort of thing Govts. would do however it doesn’t solve the health problem nor the cost of same. The same I beleive would be te end result with gambling problems.
    Mark points out about the train leaving the station too true if all this reality can’t be overcome then ALNA is blowing in the wind by paying lip service to its membership for all the odds are against any secular industry gain.


  6. Jonathan Wilson

    Shows just how powerful companies like Tabcorp, Sportsbet, Ladbrokes and others are that there are so few restrictions on online gambling as compared to alcohol (another product that really shouldn’t be being advertised to kids)


  7. colin

    ALNA should also lobby to stop all online gambling by credit cards which is a much bigger issue than betting in store.
    How can you implement Responsible Gambling
    on line where you do not have any face to face
    contact enabling to identify a punter having a gambling problem.


  8. Graeme Day

    7. Totally agree but as Mark said “the train has left the station” it is hard to ague with especially Govts track record.


  9. Steve

    Agree online betting is here to stay but let’s refocus the argument away from the use of credit cards in store. Online gambling is growing at a much faster rate than in store lotteries and for that matter than gambling on track or in pubs and clubs. As ALNA point out buying lottery tickets is very different to other forms of gambling and very low harm. The growth in online sports betting in particular is extraordinary and most of the leading players are all foreign owned and employing few in Australia. Let’s shift the target to all online gambling advertising. In addition to the politicians ALNA will find some very powerful allies with this argument e.g Tabcorp, AHA and Clubs NSW.
    For us the online gambling advertising argument levels the playing field bearing in mind the lack of bricks and mortar investment by the online agencies and their lack of employment and contribution to our local communities and the Australian economy. I also suggest that it may even strengthen the relationship of our channel with Tabcorp and perhaps even lead to a greater appreciation of the role of our channel in their future growth plans.


  10. Graeme Day

    A well reasoned post Steve. I support this thinking.


  11. andy fennell

    Hi Mark
    Is alna funded by tabcorp?


  12. Mark Fletcher

    Nice conspiracy there out of NSW Andy. No. Tabcorp funds no one.


  13. Graeme Day

    Conspiracy? Did ALNA reciece some money from Tabcorp should have been the question?


  14. Mark Fletcher

    Yes, conspiracy. Hmm, maybe ask ALNA.


  15. Graeme Day

    andy fennell
    You have your answer -ask ALNA.
    My question is if there is a doubt and we have to ask ALNA then where is the transparency in supporting ALNA representing newsagents if they are or did receive any money from Tabcorp or Tatts
    I do not understand the reference to NSW in the post.
    I am a former CEO and Vice President of NANA Ltd
    and have have had no position with them for 20 years however I receive their newsletter by courtesy and find their contribution to newsagents in NSW re the Lott is very pro active and local (NSW) for te benefit of all Nationally. they explain that a rating error has ocurred relegating error has ocurred in rating many newsagents as Amber or Red. this has since been corrected. The newsagent was advised of this by the Lott and the alarm bells would have rung and ny busines person would have contacted them and sorted it out. No it isn’t a conspiracy it’s business and communication.
    NOW! my point is -relying on any Association especially a National body cannot do what you should (the newsagent) do for your self The regualtory body would be the Franchise Code of Australia.
    Now my position is that the best Association to belong to is Local.
    All have the same powers however the local (State) association knows your area and State laws therefore more able to help you with Local Govt laws and regulations. Simple as that.
    Tabcorp rules are Franchise based. Their presentation is applied State by State This carries no Federal clout.


  16. Mark Fletcher

    ALNA offers transparency daily through direct contact, through its member emails, through its magazine and through its extensive roadshow program.

    This is a beat up designed to throw smoke at ALNA. Again, out of NSW where conspiracy theories relating to our channel have festered for decades.


  17. Graeme Day

    Mark, I don’t see any “beat up” re ALNA at all coming form the newslwtter I get maybe I’m missing something or is ALNA becoming paraniod.
    I really don’t ee what the “noise” is all about when I believe the problems are between members, their representation and the Lott.
    It needs to be remembered that all leases that TabCorp have on lotterieswere acquired form each State Government. The rules and renewals are through them. It’s not a Federal or National issue as the Publisher issue for newsagent were State by State mixing it with the Federal situation is wghat ruined te negotiation with the Newsagency State by State Authorisation. They muddied the waters between the Newsagency Councils Austorisations aided by the Federal Govt. of the day splitting the Media empire by dividing newspapers (print media) Television ownership etc. It is now being revisited. Times change.
    It doesn’t take much to see the same muddied waters recocurring with on line Gaming and the different modes and interests -political concerns and the internet lack of control- I would be careful of one body having all the responsibility as it does not give the more power and as proved in the past it actually weakens the argument as it divides between National and Sate when ghe deal is a State one no matter how much Tabcorp want to have the Lott Nationally.


  18. Amanda

    Mark your completely incorrect here.

    ALNA have accepted a HUGE “corporate sponsorship” from ALNA. They have acknowledged this but refuse to inform member’s of the exact figures. My husband requested this information from ALNA as a member of ALNA and the board refused to release the information. Reading through the ALNA Annual report the figure is a six-figure amount which is significant. Read it yourself and ask the question before making such incorrect statements.

    In my opinion your comment is extremely un-informed and unhealthy to the industry. If you can’t get this information correct you shouldn’t be commentating on ALNA or Tabcorp.


  19. Amanda

    Graeme Day, ALNA will not release the details of the “Corporate Sponsorship” from Tabcorp. The board of Directors refuse to release the information.

    There is no conspiracy, it’s fact.


  20. Graeme Day

    I never said there was a conspiracy in fact I questioned it see post 13 Conspiracy? is the opening and furthermore I agree with your comment.
    There is something “fishy” in Denmark


  21. Mark Fletcher

    Okay, so on the basis of not evidence whatsoever, there is something ‘huge’, something ‘fishy’. Yeah, let’s never let facts get in the way of this nonsense.

    Amanda, your track record of hating on ALNA is established.

    This post is about their active representation to government on a topic that lottery retailers would, I suspect, want them representing on.


  22. Amanda

    Newsagent associations get from newsagents millions of dollars a year and, in my opinion, offer no return on that investment. Those who profit most from the associations are those who work for them. Spend your money elsewhere, in your business, and get a better return. My personal view is that newsagents should save their money and quit..


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