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The automated Amazon locker experience

I was with a colleague, Anthony, a couple of nights ago when he collected 2 parcels late at night at an Amazon locker. Here is how it went – I’m sharing this for those considering the Amazon pitch. This self serve locker approach is the company’s standard.

It started with Anthony receiving an email that pickup was available.

We went to the locker, which was located at the rear of a RiteAid drug store in New York. Armed with the email here’s how it went.

What is interesting is that each locker was from a different transaction. Amazon linked them under one barcode and the one locker location, to make the process seamless, easy.

The Amazon parcel locker model is 100% about their service of their customers. While I am sure they like conveniently located locket locations, I doubt they care at all for those businesses.

Newsagency challenges

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  1. John William Rees

    Mark, If you are travelling in the eastern suburbs go to Brentford Square N/A and have a look at where these new blue Amazon lockers are situated. Up the road the next Newsagency has done the right thing and put it out the back of his shop. Will these work probably not but work in progress, this is not for every business


  2. John

    If Newsagents want to do a deal with the devil, they must realise that along with excessively high insurance costs which will be incurred to comply with Amazon’s requirements, they must also realise they are handing over control of their lease to Amazon.
    So, along with all of the other conditions Amazon will place on Newsagents, they will be required to subjugate themselves to Amazon when it comes to their lease. And all for 73 cents a parcel.


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