News Corp in Queensland has pitched a prepay and save promotion to newsagents using the bloated Blueshyft platform.
I say it is cumbersome because of the approach being taken by News / Blueshyft and the operational implications, especially for those with their POS systems integrated with accounting software.
As usual, News did not tell key stakeholders, the software companies, about the promotion. This matters as it is the software companies that are carrying the load of calls from newsagents trying to work out how to operationally run the promotion.
Here are some details from the launch announcement from news:
On Monday we launch our new initiative – Prepay & Save. This Newsagent-exclusive promotion is designed to support you and increase sales by rewarding your loyal buyers, driving higher purchase frequency by offering an always-on discount equivalent to 20% discount.
What is the offer?
Customers can top up a Prepay & Save Account with either $20 or $50, and get:
1st Paper Free
Every 5th Paper Free (any paper, day of the week)
No lock in contract
This offer is only available to Blueshyft agents. You will receive many benefits by participating in this offer, including:
– Offer Exclusivity – Prepay & Save is only redeemable at Blueshyft newsagencies so customers will need to return to a Blueshyft newsagent to receive the ongoing discount.
– New Sign Ups: earn $5 commission for every new customer sign up. Paid by Blueshyft monthly on the 21st of each month (for the sign ups achieved in the month prior).
– Newspaper Redemptions: standard commission will be paid for every paper redeemed through the Prepay & Save Program (including the free copies). Reimbursements will be paid by Blueshyft
fortnightly for the prior two weeks of newspaper sales taken through the Prepay & Save platform.
This offer costs the newsagent absolutely nothing! You will be fully reimbursed for all paper transactions through Blueshyft so there is absolutely no reason not to participate.
We also have a special launch incentive exclusive to Queensland which could see you earn $30 dollars for signing up 3 customers and a further $50 if you sign another 2 to make it 5 in total. Full details on the attached flyer.
The thing is, Jason, for more than twenty years software companies were consulted about promotions prior to them being locked in, to maximise opportunities in software for said promotions. Senior management at News referred to them as key stakeholders. They trusted the relationships. Confidences were not disrespected. Newsagents benefited from the sharing information. In the last couple of years, that has changed.
Check your facts next time.
Jason, you are wrong.
regardless of how easy any promotion is to implement, newsagents will have questions. Being forwarded allows software companies to advise customers, in advance, how to implement.
That’s good proactive support in my view.
Please, go troll elsewhere.
I deposited $20 Used 4 times x $2 got 5th free first week next week told insufficient funds.
Who can I call to get print out of usage of my card Ref RJPSQWAUOVDQ
I understand “Prepay & Save” promotion is over. How do claim my outstanding surplus balance ?
Ken you’d need to contact the promoter direct.