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The Grower – a hit with newsagents, raises funds to help farmers

Alice Mabin will be known to many newsagents because of the success of her earlier books, about which I have written here. Her website tells her story. Alice has just published a new book, which is perfect for Father’s Day and Christmas.

Like her other books, The Grower, is quintessentially Australian. It is perfect for indie retailers like newsagents. You won’t see this in mass outlets.

Alice shared a newsagent related story over the weekend that is inspiring, here it is in her own words:

I probably couldn’t orchestrate Friday again if I tried….but if I could, I would! (Check out the photo of the bloke attached!)

I walked into a newsagent to show them the new Grower books. I filled them in on the story, showed them some of the amazing imagery and explained the media and marketing behind it.

They were reluctant to take them and expressed that they thought they were too expensive for their clientele and that they wouldn’t buy one let alone both books.

I explained that most people who had ordered online so far, had ordered both books, and paid freight also.  (This sounded like sales ploy I know, but it was true!)

They agreed to give some a go, so I said, come over to the car and help me carry them back.

As we walked out the door an old bloke pulled up in his car and flung the door open and yelled really loud and gruffly “excuse me”. It pretty much stopped everyone in the street.

He was looking straight at me and I said “ah yes” and he said “are you the kiwi girl who wrote those books and was on tv last night?” I said “ah yea I am”. He told me he had The Drover and The Driver and he wanted to add to his collection.

He asked where he could buy the books, and I said well if you give me 5 mins, you can get them from the news agent here. So he followed me inside and asked how much they were.

I told him $99 each. He said “well I’ll take both please and could you autograph them?” I did one better, I even had my photo taken with him as he became the first official person to have all 4 books!

The newsagent was so blown away. What a great start to the first day of promotion.

They also loved that $3 from every book sale is going to Buy A Bale charity.

There is no better time than now to support farmers and build some moral around agriculture. These books are a great way to do this.

Click here for details on Buy a Bale.

Here are Alice’s contact details: M | 0499 559 399  E | alice@almabin.com.

Footnote: I have no commercial relationship with Alice whatsoever.

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