Small seasons matter. Today is the day to feature all things pineapple, because we need to attract people for more than the major seasons for which we are known.
There are around 20,000 searched for the term pineapple in Australia every month.many more for phrases with the word.
Pineapple gifts, cards, homewares and novelty items and more are popular. A day like today is an opportunity to shine a light and to make your business attractive beyond the everyday. This type of activity is vital for a transforming newsagency business, it is vital for attracting shoppers who might otherwise not shop with you.
Happy pineapple day!
What a great initiative.
Happy Pineapple Day Everyone.
I wish somebody would give this FW the rough end of a pineapple.
If you are critical – you get flamed.
If you are supportive – you get flamed.
If your a fw and are bored you post dross. Get a new pseudonym it doest suit you. I bet youve never set foot in a factory rather you sit on a couch with a pinot and troll imparting your superior intellect thinking people actually care what you have to say. Wanker!
this goes from happy to grumpy waaay to quickly!
Yep, what Glen said….. 🙁
FW has made a positive comment, take it as just that. 😉
Now for a Golden Circle of Pineapple 🙂
So how did everyone go?
Did many people take advantage and participate?
Anyone experience a bump in foot traffic or significant increase in sales yesterday?
Dear oh Dear F.W. you do seem to be rather tiresomely sarcastic maybe the many here that read you just can’t grasp what you are all about.
No matter how hard you try to get acceptance it just slips by.
IS IT THE GAME YOU PLAY? as I sad it’s tiresome. If you are really sincere but somehow fail to express yourself properly or with some decorum then you have another problem for surely you’ve been given every opportunity to join in some good clean and healthy constructive thoughts presented here.
Trust you will be okay soon if not, there is a lot of help out there my fiend. Not a mispelling. and may God Bless your best of intentions where ever they maybe directed.
Nothing of value to add then hey Graeme?
Amen F.W. you’ve proved your point