newsXpress yesterday kicked off a national TV campaign promoting jigsaws. 93% of purchases with jigsaws have only one jigsaw in the basket. The goal o the TV campaign, in-store promotion and social media engagement is to drive basket depth – in addition to making newsXpress stores destination stores for jigsaws.
Last year, jigsaw sales increased by more than 10% in Australia, off a strong base. Jigsaw shoppers are loyal.
The more newsagency businesses are promoted outside what have been traditional traditional traffic attracting offers for the channel the better.
Mark – some feedback from a member of the public, in case it’s useful. I watched the video and then went online. I thought the advert was odd because it didn’t tell me where to go online (ie. it didn’t provide the URL), so I googled NewsXpress, and found the website. But I didn’t immediately see anything about the jigsaw promo. I clicked on Ravensburger. Eventually I saw the link to the blog which has the announcement about this special offer and from there I eventually clicked on, where I found the relevant information. I came back here to make a comment about the indirect path I’d had to take only to see for the first time that the URL was in the advert.
So, to the people who wrote and produced the advert, it must have been clear and obvious that when you said ‘go online’, you meant go to the URL that was being shown on the screen. (D’oh!) But I kept hearing NewsXpress over and over and didn’t once hear ‘Jigsaws Australia’.
I guess this shows that you can’t ever ‘idiot proof’ your advert! But, I thought you might find the feedback helpful anyway.
That is odd Megan as every second the ad is on air the website address is on there. At this web address you can easily see the participating stores. Sales indicate people are seeing it.
Yes I appreciate that Mark – the URL is on screen for the entire duration of the advert. I just thought it interesting that, in spite of that, I didn’t “see” it! I was more focussed on the sound and moving pictures. In my defence, to the best of my recollection, the words Jigsaws Australia aren’t mentioned in the advertisement and it did seem a little unusual that an advert from NewsXpress seemed to be sending me to the website of a different organisation.
The ad is primarily designed as an in-store promotion. Hence the production company focussing on the newsXpress branding. The URL on screen is for a secondary pitch. As I mentioned, it is certainly driving excellent online traffic. Plus, there has been excellent inshore engagement even though the ad has only been on air three days.
The use of a different online face to in-stre is part of a broader, successful, online sales strategy, part of the work on branding. newsXpress has seven public-facing websites for online sales, none is branded newsXpress.