Bauer Media has announced the end of the Reader Rewards loyalty program. Here is the announcement from the company:
As part of Bauer Media’s ongoing commitment to continuously provide effective and sustainable support to the newsagency channel we regularly review the range and efficacy of resources we offer.
After reviewing customer feedback as well as the low newsagent participation, Bauer Media has made the strategic decision to close the Reader Rewards loyalty app. The available funds and resources will be diverted into Bauer’s keystone trade development program, Connections with Bauer.
Please note the following closure timeline and details.
· Reader Rewards will continue operating until Monday 22nd January 2018.
· From the 22nd January customers will no longer accrue any additional stamps.
· Customers will have until Wednesday 28th February to redeem any remaining free magazines they have earned.
· Customers will be notified of the closure via email encouraging them to redeem any remaining stamps they have accrued.
This decision has been carefully made in response to channel feedback and an increased demand for alternative business building resources, such as social media support. Bauer Media’s ongoing priority is to continue to deliver a host of optimised tools through the Connections with Bauer program in-line with new and exciting developments in the retail landscape.
I repeat my comment on your September blog about possible closure of connection program.
How is it that a marketing program (this time readers rewards) has no contact with new entrants to the industry.
On the positive side, there is probably more fat to cut by ending numerous ineffective marketing programs, thus enabling survival for some time yet.