Several have reported excellent early Valentine’s Day sales. Each went out a day or two after Christmas, replacing Christmas singles. While most Valentine’s sales are in the last week, early display captures those who plan ahead and reminds others you are in this space.
Valentine’s Day is an excellent season for pitching the broader gift range in the business. It for this reason that I suggest newsagents not purchase gifts that are too Valentine’s focussed. Rather, they can buy items that will sell all through the year as well as for this season.
The season is also an opportunity to pitch the business as a card destination. It is important for Valentine’s day cards to be close to other cards, to encourage purchases outside the Valentine’s purchase.
I was in the US last week and saw plenty of Valentine’s displays. The photo shows the range in a Walgreens store in the midwest, in Winconsin in December 27. The major retailers, like Walgreens, run like clockwork with stores required to take down and put up seasons on a national calendar.
Note their use of the shelf at the top of the card fixture, pitching bags. This is excellent use of the space and drives gift bag purchases.
Newsagency businesses remain a key destination for Valentine;’s Day card purchases. We can leverage this by in-store and out of store promotion, especially out of store.
Putting out Valentines Cards 7 weeks before event is lazy merchandising. What next, Easter cards on 15th February, Mothers Day on Easter Monday?
Many customers dislike the commercialisation of the calendar, particularly so the religious days. We will not introduce VD cards before last week or so of January.
Sheesh Colin I’d like you as a nearby competitor.
The key with retail is to do what works commercially for your business. Going out early with Valentine’s Day works a treat for me. It is not lazy at all.
There is an empty shop next door. You’re more then welcome.
I am fortunate to have a dedicated area for promotional and seasonal card. I have also put my Hallmark Valentines day cards after Christmas was taken down. It looks better than having empty fixtures also it reminds customers of what is next and where have they seen the cards first. Colin if 7 weeks are early than what would you say to supermarkets selling hot cross buns on boxing day?
Hi namesake. My suggestion is you create something different between the seasons. I get it that a customer buys a VD card in last days of December. Do you get it that same customer has no reason to revisit same shop that only does seasons ? Do you get it that for every customer that has no vision and can only tthink of buying VD cards in December, there are 20 others that live a life through end January ?