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Newsagency management advice: challenge a prospective employee on a trial shift

Giving a prospecting employee a trial shift is a good way to assess their value to the business. Too often, however, trial shifts are not structured to challenge the candidate. My advice today is that you structure a trial shift, always make it the same, so you can reasonable access the value of the candidate.

Here some tasks you could set for any candidate during a trial shift:

  1. Create a basic product display. Clear space, give them the products in a box. Explain what you are looking for in terms of outcome. Get them to do the display. be sure to leans some tricks in the box. For example, a damaged product, products without pricing, signage that has nothing to do with the display.
  2. Vacuum. Show them the vacuum cleaner and ask them to vacuum the floor. Their attention to detail will be telling.
  3. Their observation. At the end of the shift ask them to list the top three things they think should be changed in the business. Their response will demonstrate their observation skills as well as their preparedness to actively contribute.
  4. Mystery shop. Have someone they don’t know shop with them and throw up some challenges. This mystery shopper should assess the experience.
  5. Serving. At a busy time at the counter, leave them alone for a moment to see how they react.

A well structured trial shift is a terrific way to access the suitability of a candidate. The key is to have a process you follow each time, to know the criteria you will use to assess their suitability.

Footnote: always pay candidates for trial shifts. See what FairWork has to say.

Management tip

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