If you want to quit stock, quit it, quickly. Quickly means different things to different people. I think it means 7 days … gone and out of the shop in 7 days from when you decide to quit the products. Of course, this will vary based on your own local circumstances.
The easiest way to quit stock is for your shoppers to understand the deal. Understanding the deal starts with how you brand the sale.
A sign with SALE on it could mean anything. Do NOT use this. There are too many around, each meaning a different thing.
A sign with, say, 50% off could be confusing as they don’t know the starting price and some may not understand percentages.
Sign with HALF PRICE is more easily understood but they still do not know the starting price.
If you really want to quit stock, I suggest you have tables or dump bins at price points: $1, $2, $5 – or that ever is appropriate to you.
I tried a $9.99 priced at 50% off, half price and $5.00. The $5.00 pricing worked the best, by far.
This is my recommendation on quickly quitting stock: get the price messaging right.
If your price messaging is hard to understand or if there are too many different price messages you could be creating a barrier and this could stop you achieving the sales outcome you want.
Groundhog day
Invasion of the chatbots
Oh big oil thanks for pointing that out. Yes, sometimes I repeat advice I have written because I know it resonates.
Your obsession is creepy.
Cmon Fletch just own it.
You stuffed up and published the same story twice.
No shame. We all make mistakes. Just fess up and move on.
No Big, I have done this previously in the 18,000 posts I have published. What I write is often guided by conversations I have had with newsagents through the week.
Your obsession is creepy.
Ok ok if you say so.
As for the second part of your comment, you believe that I am obsessed with you and newsxpress and then you describe my obsession as creepy. #fairenough