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Free e-commerce workshops in Sydney

I am running a free workshop: Connecting online and in-store, how to make ecommerce work for your small business to Sydney later this month. Click the links below to book. each session will run for 2 hours. Refreshments provided:

  • August 24, 8am. Figtree Conference Centre: Mission Room, 5 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park NSW.
  • August 24, 11am. Figtree Conference Centre: Mission Room, 5 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park NSW.

I will demonstrate live websites that are connected to our the Tower POS software in local businesses. I will also show how to transfer stock to a website and how to manage images.

This is an excellent session for any newsagent keen to leverage online sales, regardless of the software you use.


Everyone is welcome.

Newsagency management

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