I have created a new tab, Tatts compliance, and will post photos here of big business Tatts outlets that may not comply with the standards Tatts demands of you. Email me your photos of non-newsagency Tatts outlets to mark@towersystems.com.au.
I am tired of hearing stories of Tatts using the compliance process as a form of bullying small business retailers when big business outlets get away with what appears to be non-compliant behaviour if they are held to the same standard.
Send me your photos of non-compliant big business Tatts outlets and I will post them here. Send them to mark@towersystems.com.au. One way to confront the harm Tatts audits are doing to small business is to show the competitive advantage Tatts is giving big business competitors.
I’ll blur out people. The photo above from was a Woolworths petrol outlet. Do you think it would pass the compliance audit you are subject to?
that shop is Tatts future corporate image for 2020
Tatts are not treating all retailers equal , imposing unreasonabel requirements on Newsagents with expensive fitouts .