We have customers frustrated and confused by a Sunday Herald Sun QBD Books promotion. Given the way promotions in the newspaper run, they expect newsagencies to be the redemption point. Some are frustrated when told this, others are angry. There is clearly an expectation they redeem from us.
While the fine print and website make the situation clear…
…people still expect newsagents to have the free books. Plenty of people based on our own experience.
All it take is one agitated person to complain loudly in a shop full of people to turn some away and cost the business potential revenue.
I’d like to see the coupon to be redesigned to be clearer, with a headline: REDEEM FROM QBD BOOKS.
From a marketing perspective, the promotion is clunky. Buy a product from one shop and take it to another shop to get the gift. While I understand it is traffic QBD wants, the execution is clunky and generating friction for newsagents.