News Corp. has a TV commercial in high-rotation in Melbourne pitching home delivery of the Sunday Herald Sun. I am not a big television watcher yet has seen the ad plenty of times. It makes me wonder if Sunday is the focus of the company for this masthead.
It is frustrating seeing such a large price difference between what we sell the newspaper for and the $1 they are charging for home delivery.
In fact, the price feels desperate.
The circulation and marketing folks at News Corp. would say this is a taster offer, to get new subscribers they can convert to a more commercial price once the $10 for 10 weeks offer expires. maybe so but it is still a desperation offer.
The Sunday paper is their hero paper of the week. It is worth much more than $1. Yet here it is for $1.
While I don’t have the data News Corp. has, I wonder about the health of the newspaper for each of the current event days it is published. I’d like to know this to have e context for the $1 a day home delivered offer. I want to understand as it matters in terms of longer term business planning on newspapers.
Engaged newsagents are constantly adjusting their businesses, space allocated, location and other points relating to newspapers. It is appropriate we are informed in our decision making. As things stand today, I know of some newsagents assuming things from this latest News Corp. TVC. More information from News could help those making decisions to act more on facts than assumptions flowing from this very cheap subscription offer.
There is no upside for print newspapers. We are in a period of managing the transition to digital. That’s what I believe. Layer on that this latest TVC and you can see why I have questions.
This ad from News (we are seeing it in Adelaide) really defines the difference between Retail and Distribution.
I love this Ad.
Its gaining new Home Delivery readers every week.
Where Retail looks at “foot traffic and basket spends” I look at throws per 100 metres. with the latest wage increase coming through, the more throws every 100 metres, the lower the wages cost.
John the post is not about retail or distribution, it is about News promoting one day of the week and me wondering if this is a pointer to future plans.