Online and in shopping centres over the last couple of days Tatts has been promoting online purchases of tickets in tonight’s $50M Powerball jackpot.
Here is a screen in a Brisbane Westfield centre.
Their online ads encourage printers to use their app.
While Tatts demands newsagents promote Tatts in-store, Tatts does not reciprocate in its own marketing.
A customer told me today that he received an email invitation from Tatts to renew his Set For Life entry online with them!
In other words, he bought a set for life in our store, and when it was nearly expired he received an email from Tatts asking if he would like to go online and renew it?
The customer asked us about it because he was confused about our role, and Tatts role in it.
I am a startin ta git confused too!!
I think Tatts are now well and truly over reaching!
Billy B if they’ve done that then it’s against the franchise laws as by taking future income off of you by direct marketing to an existing customer they’re are not providing mutual benefit if they are attempting to take you out of the equation.
This seriously needs to be looked into further as this is perhaps the most blatant example seen so far.
I think there are plenty of examples of Tatts leveraging the good work of retailers for online gains.
And guess where the winning ticket was purchased !
You are right Billy, this is happening. Customer gets contacted on the last day the ticket is valid. They invite the customer to renew online.
On another lottery topic, I thought all the Newsagencies that have closed were due to things like greedy landlords, poor retailers and the cost of the Tatts fitouts etc etc…….it seems as though it might be more about the Tatts plan in its entirety.
We all know of the costs to fit out but the application fees and changes in commission are almost criminal. If you think Mr Howards government hurt Newsagents with deregulation wait until you see what happens when Tatts plan has fully rolled out. The retail network of lottery agents has a huge black cloud rolling in on it.
Retailers have got to stop playing catch up business, trusting suppliers to have their backs gets you in trouble when you least expect it.
Those that where forced in to refits trusted what they where being told by state owned and non state owned lottery that it was refit or the online giants will gobble you up when all along their plans have been to get in front of customers faces when they are spending and take them online away from the very Businesses that promote them so successfully with the carrot on a stick approach.
The absurdity of a Supplier to expect and force a business owner to put up the cash to display the very thing they are selling at the total expense of the business owner is criminal in it self imo, there are better ways to skin a cat.
Turn the tables and make them pay for using your walls and business, pick a spot local has a solution for every brick and mortar business owner especially newsagents.