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Wonderful response from a publisher of support from a retailer

Check out the terrific public post on Facebook by the folks at Mekong Review where hey talk about wonderful support from a retailer in Sydney.

The compliments are well deserved by the folks at Journals as they have create a genuinely innovative business. Oh, and FYI, Journals is not a newsagency.

The rest of the post by the publisher offers opinion on the distribution model newsagents will find interesting.

magazine distribution

Join the discussion

  1. Ei Leen Kim

    Thank you Mark for your compliments and sharing this independent review and assessment of our business. It has really given us a spring in our step and we are very excited about our retailing future!
    Ei Leen
    Curator-in Chief
    Disclosure: Journals uses Tower software.


  2. Jenny

    Wow! Checked their website, store looks really interesting. Well done Andrew.

    Shame other inner city newsagents dont follow their lead and try something different instead of closing their doors.


  3. Colin

    Love what we see, we are with you Journals.

    Great to see quality and merchandising with emphasis on gifts and lifestyle.

    Looking forward to visiting you store.


  4. Ted

    Store looks great. Tatts will come in and bugger it with their fitout.


  5. h

    If Tabcorp / Tatts merge, maybe the fitout timetable will be revised – we are due for 2021 refurbishment, can’t say I’m losing sleep over it because GOK what the retail environment will be by then.


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