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Take a look at the Tatts App and how easy purchasing a subscription is

A video from me, shot late yesterday, where I demonstrate purchasing a subscription using the Tatts iPhone APP.


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  1. Chris

    How is purchasing a subscription responsible gambling?
    Shows how easy it is and that is the future of gambling.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Chris this is exactly why I shot the video. I am confident Tatts is not demonstrating this to retailers at their roadshow and therefore not fully informing their retailers.


  3. Peter

    Various things on Lotto

    Yesterday Afternoon on SKY News Channel I was watching the Jim Walley Show. He did an Interview with a Female called Ally I think was her name. She is apparently one the new crop of politicians swept into power in WA. Very impressive woman.

    The talk immediately led the WA’s budget situation with the GST (they get back 35c in the dollar). Ally then made the case WA has less than half the revenue of Gambling Tax per head of population compared to other states and called the Gambling Tax Revenue to be included in the GST carve up for their advantage to WA’s budget.

    By the way she ran rings around Jim and his discomfort and bad reaction was evident in his body language . Ally 9 Points, Jim 1 Points.

    Lottoland got its right to operate from the Previous Norther Territory Government which took the cake as the most inept and fractured government ever. For a Tax cost I believe about half what is paid in other states and a small telephone call center in Darwin they got the right operate as they do across Australia. This is superb example of Free Market competition gone wild.

    Whats to stop Lottoland taking your call overseas and then staying completely out of our Tax system.

    Pauline Hanson has joined the fray I see from the AFR article which by the way could not read as I do not have have an AFR subscription. When I finish here I will go and read the Hard Copy.

    This issue will heat up even more when State MPs see the Gambling Tax Revenue at stake.

    Mark Keep up the Pressure. I completely support your view expressed here.

    Do we need a discussion on Responsible Gambling, is it practiced ?


  4. Bob

    Of course responsible play isn’t practiced.

    The RP information put in the stores is merely a formality and a way for them to give the illusion that they’re promoting responsible play so the government wont try to regulate more.


  5. Billy G

    Re responsible play.
    We practise it in our business and make sure all the juniors understand it too. Also the Tatts auditors always ask some questions on responsible play.
    Interesting that online play can be used by anyone who wishes to.


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