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Sunday newsagency marketing advice: 5 last minute Easter marketing tips

Easter is less than a week away, here are some simple marketing tips you could engage to try and find new shoppers for this season. Some are new, some are from by 2015 tips

  1. On Facebook give people reasons why Easter is a perfect time to send a card to a distant friend or loved-one. Sometimes people need to be told when to send a card.
  2. Last minute pitch. Have a small selection of Easter cards at the counter.
  3. Give rabbits a discount. Get people to dress up as a rabbit to get a good discount.
  4. Have an egg eating competition – who can eat the most in 30 seconds.
  5. Offer free fried eggs one or two mornings for a gold coin donation to a local charity.
  6. Make a giant papier-mâché egg with things you sell (old newspapers, coloured paper, paint). Go big, I mean really big. Taller than a person. Let the kids paint it. Make it a local thing for people to come see.
  7. Have an easter Egg hunt for over 70s. Egg hunts are usually for kids but those over 70 will have a different recollection of the season from when they were kids. Cater to them with a hunt in your shop for tasty eggs.
  8. Do good. Collect for something during the season. Given the animal themes, maybe a local animal shelter.
  9. Invite a wall of stories. If you have a wall available, cover it with paper and invite your customers to write or draw what Easter means to them. this makes the season more interactive.
  10. Give away eggs. Freely and with a smile! Contact Chocolate Gems, they have excellent counter packs of eggs you can buy in bulk. They taste delicious and make for ideal counter giveaways.

If you act in an average way for Easter expect average results.


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