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Anzac Coins being sold on eBay already

The Anzac coin collection yet to launch in newsagencies is available on eBay. Click here to see an ad. Click here to see and ad for the Victoria Cross medal. Here is someone else selling the Victorias Cross medal.

These activities diminish the value of the newspaper promotion. Right now everything should be about the mastheads connected to the promotion.

What do you think?


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  1. John

    Simple – NWN should have their agreement cancelled.
    Our industry does not need these greedy retailers.


  2. Shauns

    Don’t even have my stock yet ?


  3. Shauns

    ah its presale .
    So they don’t have the stock also


  4. Jess

    I have had stock of every coin for about a week now and our promotion here (WA) started yesterday. If we don’t return the coupons then we lose out on all comission though so I don’t think there will be any eBay sales from WA. When does the promotion start for everyone else?


  5. Chris

    I see there is another ebay seller that is not only doing the same presale but is also selling AFL Card Packs. No doubt these have been “returned” to GG so the mark up is 100%. It is unethical and I wonder what other operations occur at these businesses.
    News Ltd need to make a statement concerning this and make an example of these doggy operators. It is only through the connection to the masthead that there value for News. Oh and the massive profit they make from these promotions by paying us pittance.


  6. Steve

    Jess, If we don’t return the coupons we lose out on all commissions? I’m in WA and I haven’t heard that but if it’s true it’s going to cause a problem. I have a lot of interest in the Anzac coin set’s and I sold out of today’s paper by midday, I’ve increased my supply but that doesn’t start till Wednesday so I’ll definitely sell out tomorrow.
    What Am I suppose to say “Sorry Mrs Carphoops I know I promised to hold a set for you but as I’ve sold out of papers I have to refuse to sell you todays coin. Perhaps you could go on a 110km round trip to the next town up the highway and try your luck”. I don’t think so.


  7. Mark Fletcher

    The publishers need to be clearer on the rules and ensure there are no loopholes. Then, for any breach, the penalties need to be clear and enforced.


  8. Jess

    I was told that you lose all comission if you do not have the coupons but if you can prove you sold out (no returns) and you did try and get more papers delivered (of course if you are rural you can’t) then they will make an exception. I’m holding a paper and the coins for the people that I’m holding sets for so I still get my comission and don’t have problems.


  9. Steve

    Thanks Jess, I think I’ll be able to stay within those parameters.


  10. Mark Fletcher

    If the publishers were smart they’d do it though the software. They could see when a store sells out and when coins were sold.


  11. andy

    Jess would it matter about losing comission if you are getting $88 a set i saw on ebay?


  12. Shauns

    “If the publishers were smart ” WELL THERE IS THE PROBLEM RIGHT THERE . If they would just stick to selling Newspapers and give us a reason to want to sell more eg a commission that would actually make any difference to my days taking .


  13. Jess

    Good point Andy but then you wouldn’t get the promotions in the future and I would start losing the cutomers that buy the paper here instead of down the road because I have the promotions when they happen. They might not spend a lot but when they need a card or gift they buy it here


  14. pat

    Havent collected coupons for years and will not any time soon.
    If I had any respect for NWN it may be a different story.
    Example ,one can get a free paper when you buy bottled (bottled water for goodness sake ,talk about no respect for their own brand ) water at the local servo ,or when you drop into maccas for brekky ,on weekends you can drop by the local surf club for a free paper !
    Want me to jump through hoops for you ,dont treat me like a doormat !


  15. Steve

    Newscorp sold WA’s Sunday Times to 7West Media last year and that seems to have led to a higher level of compliance monitoring which isn’t a bad thing. I was surprised these Promo’s were continuing with the change of ownership but obviously as part of the sale 7West had to continue with them. My take is Newscorp owns the promotions so doesn’t care too much as long as they make money. However 7West are doing them on behalf of Newscorp so Newscorp tugs 7West”s chain and they in turn tug ours.
    Best thing 7West have done is make the token part of the masthead unlike Newscorp who always put it inside the paper. So dodgy newsagents have a choice, you can top a return or you can clip a token, you can’t do both.


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