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The best items to place with newspapers to maximise the value of these destination shoppers

In my benchmark work with newsagents and through other data I see I have developed a list of items that work best with newspapers.

With more than 70% of newspaper purchases single item purchases, leveraging newspaper placement is key to make the most of destination newspaper traffic.

Here are the best items to place with with your top selling newspaper, the items people are most likely to add to their newspaper purchase:

  1. Thursday through Sunday – Better Homes and Gardens magazine.
  2. On a Monday – your top selling weekly magazines out that day.
  3. On a Thursday – your top selling weekly magazines out that day.
  4. Crossword magazines.
  5. A stack of boxes of paperclips with a price offer of, say, 3 for $x.xx. You could substitute paperclips with everyday tape of any sort, staples or similar home stationery items.
  6. A carefully curated selection of cards, maybe no more than five, for an every day useful caption: Thank You is good. You could also pitch card captions people would never think you have.
  7. A selection of gifts from a single line your shoppers would never expect you to carry in your business.

Create the space next to newspapers. I have never seen a newsagency where this cannot be created.

Do not overload the space next to your top selling newspaper. If you clutter the space it will be too busy and people will not see what you want them to see.

Use my suggestions above to get you thinking about your situation. My ideas may not work. Something will. The moment you have success you will be encouraged to try more. Chase that success.

The goal here is to drive shopper visit efficiency from newspapers. Success will only come from active engagement by you in your business. No one else will do this for you.

Management tip

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