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Independent commentary on News Corp results

In his post Rupert’s results: no end in sight to the destruction of mainstream press, Michael West dispassionately looks at the latest News Corp results.

The latest profit results from Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation are not a pretty sight. In fact there seems no end in sight to the destruction of the mainstream press.

Plunging ad revenues in the second quarter, falling newspaper circulations and a still feeble contribution from digital advertising mirrors the performance of News Corp’s arch-enemy Fairfax Media. The inexorable incursion of the internet continues to wreck the mainstream media; more journalists will go, newspapers will close, and coverage of important issues will be even further compromised.

Anyone interested in the state of journalism and newspapers should read this piece by West. I found it fascinating.

Media disruption

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  1. Colin, Malvern SA

    The article says more about corrupt business practices being justified by legal interpretations whilst snout in trough politicians do bugger all to close the legal loopholes because of their own vested interests. Trump is right some the time…. We need to drain the swamp.


  2. ted

    Not to say he doesn’t make some valid points but I think describing a bitter sacked Fairfax journo as “independent” and “dispassionate” is a stretch.


  3. Mark Fletcher

    Ted I said that in this piece West dispassionately looks at the latest News Corp results, which I think he does. Further, I described the commentary as independent, which I think it is. I see no bitterness inches words. Frustration, sure, at choices publishers have made, but not bitterness.


  4. Jonathan Wilson

    The question I have is, how long will it be before News ceases publication (or all-week-publication) of its print newspapers? And which will go first, the Australian or the various capital city papers?


  5. eddy

    West the lefty winger still can’t get over being sacked.


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