Every so often someone cuts the balloon ‘penis’ off this card. We don’t check the security system as life is too short to worry about the petty criminal actions of the censor. But it bothers me someone would enter the shop and censor what we sell. They can behave how they like in their own homes but in my shop they should respect my property.
If I did catch them I’d report them to the police as this damaging of property is wilful, malicious. If they don;t like what we stock they don’t have to come into the shop.
is this a gay thing? WTF would you display rubbish like this in an area that children may venture.
Poor taste
There you go Andrew with your usual ignorant bile. This card is part of the Spirit humour range and has been around for years.
Andrew you are either immature or pathetic, everyone know that is a humorous card that females give to other female friends. This is blog site for grown ups, maybe you need to find a website that is suitable for your mental age group.
And that thing about children getting a hand on the card, seriously I’m pretty sure it would be placed right up on the top of the spinner stand where kids don’t reach.
Oh, should we all remove all the adult magazines as well. Come on, seriously kids can easily find far worse thing on the internet.
Andrew T, when I order this particular design, it is more often than not in 2 or 3 units as it’s pocket turnover is greater than any other pocket, which is set to plan at the top of the display. Sam is correct, primary target market is female to female. Oh but surprise, gay people may purchase it too, if they wish, along with heterosexuals! I’m sure you don’t knock back anyone’s $
lol – our censors are far less destructive they just turn it around so no one can see it! 😀 ps. Andrew T maybe you should stock this card and expel your hot air into it!
So much hatred here. Hell hath no fury like lesbians scorned.
Wow, you’re a real charmer Andrew T. You started the hate on with your first comment. Now why don’t you get back to your copy of How To Win Friends and Influence People, think you missed a few pages…….
Gosh Maree. Iam flattered 😉 Andrew T is going to need a cold shower soon.
Andrew T is a trolling Wally.
Keep responding to it and it will continue.
He gets his ‘jollies’ from the responses he generates.
Ignore the fool.