ANCOL, the newsagent owned stationery wholesale business and local shareholder in Newspower, issued this statement two days ago:
We have conducted a review of the ANCOL Group’s operational requirements.
As a result of this review the position of ANCOL Sales Manager has been made redundant, effective immediately.
Your existing Account Manager will continue to call and be responsible for the day to day needs of your business. There are no changes to call cycles and the Account Managers will continue to provide the exemplary service levels the Co-operative currently provides.
If you need additional assistance with an issue, query or problem do not hesitate to contact the Operations Manager, Ben Myles or myself.
In my opinion there will be a rationalisation of stationery wholesale in South Australia as the changes under way at GNS play out. South Australia is too small for ANCOL to help newsagents to source stationery on competitive terms.
This is just a spin letter from Ancol I believe there is more to this than restructuring,there is a human toll in all of this ,it’s a pretty sad situation.