Universal Magazines has a range of journals under the brand of Signature. I was sent a pack recently. I like the product as do others in the office.
The model is a challenge. 33% GP is insufficient. GP should be 50%+. Calling what we make commission demonstrates a disconnect with our model today.
Sale or return does not help. nor does delayed billing in that it is easy to get terms like 60 days or close to without much difficulty.
At the Hong Kong Gift fair a few weeks ago I saw journals like these with a similar look and a matching quality. If I was bringing in a container I could land them for around 20% of the suggested retail price. There are wholesalers doing this and knocking on newsagent doors. Making tough competition a challenge for Universal too.
The final issue is the story. Many of us want stationery related items that fall into a broader category story. While I like the two stands Universal has for this product, it is the the size story I am looking for.
I applaud Universal for trying. next time they should listen more carefully before sourcing products.
Hello All
Mark Darton here from Universal Magazines and Paper Pocket our division that produces the Journals. Thank you for the comments. This concept came together faster than expected after listening to the comments from newsagents wanting to be able to have an exclusive product to sell and compete in this category.
We were able to plan to get limited quantities out before Christmas (due on sale December 1) to take advantage of this gift buying and holiday season. We didn’t have enough time to put together a firm sale offer on this occasion, however we will make a firm offer with a high margin in the first half of 2017 built around Mother’s day.
The concept of the Signature Journal series was designed by our staff here in Australia following research into trending topics and the design elements are our Intellectual Property that you won’t find anywhere else.
The cost of this origination was always going to be more expensive than an “off the rack” version you could purchase at a gift fair. We have made a considerable investment in the production of the Journals which extends well beyond the actual print cost.
This is a great opportunity for Newsagent retailers to display and sell the product with limited risk.
The program is supported with 2 display options and will be distributed by Gordon & Gotch.
As always we value any feedback you may like to provide on how we can improve the program. We have more detail on the individual journals in the series if you email me I can send it to you direct and this information will also accompany the delivery.
I can be contacted direct by email retail@universalmagazines.com.au
We really hope you support the Signature Journal series with great display so we can develop and grow the program in future if successful.
Mark Darton
Hi Mark,
As great a range as they are, it still is considerably less GP than I make from other journals that I stock. I would prefer to take the risk with the stock I carry with the potential to earn a higher GP. Magazines through GG are a transient product whilst journals have a longer shelf life, hence the greater GP. Its purely a business decision, I will not put a product in a space where I can put a higher GP product of similar nature which there is a lot of concerning this product category.
Mark I’m with Chris, GP is the issue here when competitors serve us well in this area.
Did anyone else get smashed with these journals today?! I received $750 worth of stock that I did not want. Can GG stick to magazines and please leave my stationery department to me so I can actually make a decent profit.
Chris, got a couple only which have been topped and returned. Don’t want them, didn’t ask for them. Did the same with 90% of the calendars received from Gotch this year too as I had already sourced all the ones I wanted at much better margin
Yes I got these today and no I don’t want them.
No space and would prefer to do my own shopping and choose what I want on my shelves and what margin I’m happy too accept.
Being delivered something I don’t want costs me in labour topping and returning, or space to display if I keep until return date.
Its the same with diaries and calendars from publishers, I don’t want them to be sent to me without first asking, delayed billing does nothing but clutter my shop.
Give them to the supermarkets.