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Sunday newsagency management tip: how to manage customer theft

If you have items that you know are regularly stolen through regular spot stock takes consider these tips for managing to reduce the cost of theft.

  1. Ensure all staff know about the problem.
  2. Spot stock take weekly. Record the number stolen somewhere for staff to see. This sets a target for all.
  3. Place a portable work table near the often stolen products and move most there such as product pricing, invoice checking or other tasks that could be easily done on the shop floor.
  4. Ensure you have camera coverage of the location.
  5. Place the stock so there are no blind spots that make theft easy.
  6. Try other locations and see if theft declines.
  7. Watch the location or stand from outside your business to see how shoppers interact with it.
  8. Act based on your business data.
  9. Involve the police if you get any actionable evidence.

The alternative is you complain about the problem and do nothing and that is not good management. Theft is something to be managed.

Newsagency challenges

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