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Sunday newsagency challenge: stand for something next

What comes after Father’s Day? What do you have planned for the business from today until Christmas really kicks in? Do you have a plan? You need a plan. You should have had a plan a couple of months ago when planning for coming out of a major season for this period before the next major season starts.

Knowing what’s next is vital in retail where the everyday on which you rely is not as strong as it was years ago.

Now more than ever shop floor engagement and out of store marketing are vital to attract new shoppers and we cannot rely on major seasons only to do this for if we do we become like gift shops and they are closing faster than newsagencies.

So: What comes after Father’s Day?

Management tip

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  1. Mark Fletcher

    Yes but it’s two months away. Need something else.


  2. Colin

    With our focus on homewares and gifts , we will redisplay ongoing ranges with a view to them staying in those areas when the Christmas related stock arrives. The emphasis will shift towards summer with some discounting to get rid of winter stock

    Repositioning stock will make the store look different, a few items have been held back to be introduced in this period. Quality diaries and calendars (not GG) will be part of this process.

    This phase will last some 6/7 weeks, then Christmas stock and displays will start being introduced. By 1st week November we will be in full flow with cards and decorations at their maximum. By then the window displays will in full Christmas display.

    In short we see this period as a time to refresh, transit towards summer but essentially prepare the shop for the unique bias Christmas requires. We don’t do Haloween, it would be a distraction.


  3. eric

    halloween starts tomorrow. costumes and hats already selling last week , so i need great display from now.


  4. Karina

    World Teacher’s Day 5th October.. Has anyone had much success with promoting and selling gifts for this? Or will parents be more incline to wait until xmas/end of school year to buy to say thank you to teachers?.


  5. Mark Fletcher

    We combine it with a promotion of graduation cards and gifts and the two opportunities sit well together.


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