Every branded spinner or stand you have in your business is a representation n to only of the health and professionalism of your business it is also a representation on behalf of the brand of the stand.
A broken stand looks bad as does a half empty stand as does a branded stand with products other than for the brand. Such a stand can turn shoppers off. It gives off a message of a business that does not care and this can tell shoppers you do not care about them.
If a stand has a place on your shop floor it has to add to the business not detract from it.
It does not take much to ensure stands look good, strong, full of the right stock. Sure you could argue you don;t have the money for stock. The thing is – the stand is looking empty because you sold the stock, you have the money.
My advice is to set a policy for all who work in the business to follow:
- On a branded stand, only place products from that brand.
- Check sales for each stand weekly and be on top of reordering.
- Any stand that breaks is to be removed from the shop floor until fixed or replaced.