Fewer businesses offer a fax service today than a year ago. This increased scarcity coupled with increased rent and labour costs are reason enough for newsagents to review pricing.
My suggestion is you check the pricing of your nearest major competitor and peg your price slightly above theirs. In several newsagency businesses I have discussed this with recently, they would increase their priced by a third or more. As long as volume is maintained, that is a nice bump to the bottom line.
Providing a fax service costs time and money. It needs to be price and run as a profit centre for the business.
For curiosity’s sake what is the going rate for faxing and photocopying.
We did the exercise recently of calculating the profit/loss from this. We charge 40c a n A4 copy and for faxing $2.50 for the first page and $1 for each page thereafter.
Taking into account copy machine lease, toner etc but not staff time we lost over $300 last year.
We think we might ditch the “service” when our lease on machine expires.
Copy machine never make money but we do it for community service and our own use. We charge 30c bk and $1 colour. Fax $3 first 2 pages and 50 c after, overseas $6 per page
People still fax?
We charge $0.50 for A4 B&W, $1.50 for colour, $0.90 A3 B&W and $3.00 Colour.
Faxing is $3.50 for 1st page, $1/page thereafter
Scanning to email/USB is $2.50 1st page, $1 per page thereafter.
We need a printer in the shop so whatever we get out of selling services from that printer is a bonus.
We no longer accept fax as a method of receiving documents. We never record fax numbers of suppliers. We do not offer a fax service. We refuse to converse with anyone by fax, Like the telex, fax is yesterday’s technology.
We have regular customers, weekly, who send off timesheets and the like. It is profitable for us to offer the service.
we make about $200 a month on fax min. money for nothing
Australia Post fax rates are $5 for the first page and $2 per page after that. And we still send plenty of faxes.
Photo copying I’m about to increase to .30c from 20c for A4 B&W and 30c to 50c for A3 B&W. Colour has always been $2 a copy