I love the note from the editor of Cryptic Crosswords. It explains that while they have withdrawn from subscriptions, the title is still available in newsagents.
We ought to support Cryptic Crosswords and other titles from Puzzle People. This is a local Victorian published magazine that helps us pitch a point of difference to other magazine retailers.
The editor is supporting the newsagency channel. We should support them.
Go and grab copies of the latest issue:
- Place it between your two top selling weekly magazines.
- Place it on the counter as a featured magazine.
- Talk about it on your business Facebook page – mention it is an Aussie title. Posts like this can add to the narrative that yours is a local business supporting local (Aussie) publishers.
- Remind staff to recommend it if people ask for a crossword title.
- Thank the editor for their support: info@puzzlepeople.com.au.
- If you don’t stock the title, request it from Gotch.
Let’s get behind this magazine and help it enjoy a bright future and through it promote a difference between our businesses and other magazine retailers.
This is an opportunity for us to do good for us and another independent small Australian business.
Take a moment to check out their website to understand their pitch: All first-time publications Products of our compilers’ minds. They are NOT computer produced! Founded in 1989, at a time when imported puzzles dominated the local market, Puzzle People identified the need for a high-quality, locally compiled product, published on a regular and reliable schedule.
What a coincidence. Just this morning at the counter a customer asked when the next issue was expected, and wanted to be notified, so I set her up as a Putaway. Straight away another lady within hearing wanted the same thing, asking the first customer would she recommend it, she had trouble finding good cryptic crosswords. Two Putaways in one swoop !
I have received several calls about this post. It seems regulars here like to read more about niche local magazines they can support. Good stuff.
Can’t seem to buy it anywhere in cairns.have they stopped publishing it.
Ken, Issue 126 is due on sale 1 Dec 2016. You may need to ask to have a copy putaway as supply is limited.
I compile cryptic crosswords for a small publication on the Gold Coast. I am going to print up a book of them and wondered how I would go about selling them to Newsagencies.
Sally Atherton
We would like to contact Sally Atherton about Cryptic Crosswords, could you please pass on our details or ask her to contact Auspac Media?
Cannot buy it in my small community in North Qld. I had it reserved with newsagent in Ingham, went to pick up book due at end of July to learn it is no longer available. I would certainly be interested in Sally Atherton’s project, and hopefully we will be updated through this site.
Where can they be bought! I’ve scoured all of MACKAY???
Maria, sadly this title ended in June 2018. No new editions have been available since then.
He was the best and now there are no intelligent cryptic crossword books to buy.His was unique. Can you suggest any other please?
What was the name of the author of the cryptic puzzles?
ould I be advised if you are still in business and, is yes, when the next issue of Cryptic Crosswords is due
John, Cryptic Crosswords ended in 2018. I believe the creator of them was still publishing a cryptic crossword in (I think it was) The Sunday Age, though not sure if he still is. It was my grandmother’s favourite book of cryptics too before it ended.