The Reed Sydney Gift Fair and the Home and Giving Fair kick off today. For plenty it will be a busy few days, up to five for some, navigating the two fairs, looking for new product opportunities.
Change is what people will be looking for, significant change. Differentiation from what we have done in the past is important as is differentiation from what other retailers with which we compete is important.
If you can get to the fairs and have not planned to do so yet, I urge you to go. For inspiration alone it will be well worthwhile.
I will be there for Tower Systems and for newsXpress. Anyone who wants to catch up can call me on 0418 321 338.
In terms of preparing for the fairs, I know newsXpress published two weeks ago a guide to the fairs along with maps and supported by on the ground buying assistance from a team of merchandise experts, ensuing exclusive deals are understood. This is supplemented by a couple of social activities for networking among member newsagents. I expect the other marketing groups will have offered the same services to their members. It is at large fairs like this that marketing groups can show off their point of difference and demonstrate value of membership.