Several newsagency businesses have been hit by ransomware in the last week, malware loaded onto the computers blocking future access until a ransom is paid. Without appropriate precautions, the operational and financial implications of recovery for a business can be considerable.
- To protect your business, ensure you have regular reliable off-site backups in a secure firewall protected location for easy recovery.
- Do not click on any link in an email you do not trust or were not expecting.
- Never click on a link in an email relating to a prize offer.
- Never click on a link in an email purporting to be from a bank or the tax office.
- Read emails before clicking on anything. If you are unsure, do not click.
It is vital you protect your business by managing emails in a thoughtful way.
One business last week was shut down for more than a day because of poor protection. Once they got back up and running they had lost days of data because of inadequate backups. Trying to sell a business with such a data hole could be expensive.
Warnings like this will be ignored by too many people.
There have been several instances of this ‘ransomware’ over the last year or so.
Doctors are a common victim.
This hospital in the US was attacked just days ago.
Bitcoin ransom of $23,400 paid by hospital after hackers attack computer system.
Make sure ALL your staff are aware of the ramifications that could be felt through carelessness.