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Sunday newsagency marketing tip: stepping out with product as a walking billboard

IMG_1689Walking 400 metres or so to my car from the newsagency yesterday carrying the brightly coloured extra large plush item you can see in the photo, I was stopped twice by people asking where I bought the item.

The first to stop me was a guy looking for a present for his girlfriend and the second was from a grandmother looking for something for a grandchild. Several others along he way pointed and commented.

The experience reminded me of the opportunities we all have to show off items we sell when we carry them to our car or elsewhere. It’s like a moving billboard without clogging traffic. It provides people a safe way to ask about the item – as they will not expect a sales push.

We have these opportunities carrying products into our businesses and our from them. It works best with large bright products – like this large plush item.

Not that there is spare time in a busy day, but if there was – maybe get someone to walk around with a large item and a walking billboard. My thought here is that only a certain numb er of people near your shop enter your shop. It is likely you have items they would purchase if they knew you had them. This tip is about showing them. It only works, however, with items easily seen and understood and even then only if they can see it comes from your shop or they ask you where you ‘bought’ it.

This is a free marketing idea. You don’t have to pay a local paper, Facebook, Google or any media company to run your ‘ad’. You or someone working for you becomes the ad.


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