Where do your have your large greeting cards? If you are like me they are all in a low traffic corner, probably at one end of the card department. This is done in the belief people will ask for them. What about those who could buy a large card on impulse?
Card shops I have seen in the UK and the US have large cards on a spinner in mid and high traffic locations that are far more noticeable than is usually the case in Australian newsagencies. They also have a bigger range of designs.
Thinking about this and my desire to sell more large cards, we have established two placement of large cards in the middle of our card department, near relevant captions. This is not a permanent change as I want to find a way to do this without taking up the premium space you see in the photo.
I selecting the card to be placed near Thank You cards I looked at all the designs we had, tried each in this large pocket and selected the card that stood out best. In addition to promoting the crd itself, it promotes the Thank You cards that are placed on the wall nearby.
we put on the middle of card section , we sell alot of goodbye large cards from Hallmark